Can embed any file in a PNG/WebM/GIF/JPEG and upload it to a third-party host through 4chan
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

411 lines
14 KiB

import { Buffer } from "buffer";
import thumbnail from "./assets/hasembed.png";
import type { EmbeddedFile } from './main';
import { settings } from "./stores";
import { filehosts } from "./filehosts";
import { getHeaders, ifetch, Platform } from "./platform";
import type { HydrusClient } from "./hydrus";
import { fileTypeFromBuffer } from "file-type";
import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import { init } from "svelte/internal";
export let csettings: Parameters<typeof settings['set']>[0];
settings.subscribe(b => {
csettings = b;
const generateThumbnail = async (f: File): Promise<Buffer> => {
const can = document.createElement("canvas");
can.width = 125;
can.height = 125;
const [sw, sh] = [125, 125];
const url = URL.createObjectURL(f);
2 years ago
let source: CanvasImageSource;
let iw: number, ih: number;
if (f.type.startsWith("image")) {
const imgElem = document.createElement('img');
imgElem.src = url;
await new Promise(_ => imgElem.onload = _);
[iw, ih] = [imgElem.naturalWidth, imgElem.naturalHeight];
source = imgElem;
} else if (f.type.startsWith("video")) {
const vidElem = document.createElement('video');
vidElem.src = url;
await new Promise(_ => vidElem.onloadedmetadata = _);
vidElem.currentTime = 0;
await new Promise(_ => vidElem.onloadeddata = _);
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
[iw, ih] = [vidElem.videoWidth, vidElem.videoHeight];
source = vidElem;
} else
return Buffer.alloc(0);
const scale = Math.min(1, sw / iw, sh / ih);
const dims = [~~(iw * scale), ~~(ih * scale)] as [number, number];
can.width = dims[0];
can.height = dims[1];
const ctx = can.getContext("2d");
if (!ctx)
return Buffer.alloc(0);
ctx.drawImage(source, 0, 0, dims[0], dims[1]);
const blob = await new Promise<Blob | null>(_ => can.toBlob(_, "image/jpg"));
if (!blob)
return Buffer.alloc(0);
return Buffer.from(await blob.arrayBuffer());
export const buildPeeFileFF = async (f: File) => {
let thumbnail = new Uint8Array();
const te = new TextEncoder();
thumbnail = await generateThumbnail(f);
const namebuf = te.encode(;
const ret = new Uint8Array(4 /* Magic */ +
1 /* Flags */ + namebuf.byteLength + 1 +
(thumbnail.byteLength != 0 ? (4 + thumbnail.byteLength) : 0) /* TSize + Thumbnail */ +
f.size /*Teh file*/);
const ret32 = new DataView(ret.buffer);
let ptr = 0;
ret.set(te.encode('PEE\0'), 0);
ptr += 4;
ret[ptr++] = 1 | ((+(thumbnail.length != 0)) << 2);
ret.set(namebuf, ptr);
ptr += namebuf.byteLength;
ret[ptr++] = 0;
if (thumbnail.length > 0) {
ret32.setUint32(ptr, thumbnail.byteLength, true);
ptr += 4;
ret.set(thumbnail, ptr);
ptr += thumbnail.byteLength;
const content = await f.arrayBuffer();
ret.set(new Uint8Array(content), ptr);
return new Blob([ret]);
export const buildPeeFile = async (f: File) => {
if (execution_mode == "ff_api")
return buildPeeFileFF(f);
//const isMemeBrowser = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") == -1;
let thumbnail = Buffer.alloc(0);
thumbnail = await generateThumbnail(f);
const namebuf = Buffer.from(;
const ret = Buffer.alloc(4 /* Magic */ +
1 /* Flags */ + namebuf.byteLength + 1 +
(thumbnail.byteLength != 0 ? (4 + thumbnail.byteLength) : 0) /* TSize + Thumbnail */ +
f.size /*Teh file*/);
let ptr = 0;
ret.write('PEE\0', 0);
ptr += 4;
ret[ptr++] = 1 | ((+(thumbnail.length != 0)) << 2);
namebuf.copy(ret, ptr);
ptr += namebuf.byteLength;
ret[ptr++] = 0;
if (thumbnail.length > 0) {
ret.writeInt32LE(thumbnail.byteLength, ptr);
ptr += 4;
thumbnail.copy(ret, ptr);
ptr += thumbnail.byteLength;
const content = await f.arrayBuffer();
Buffer.from(content).copy(ret, ptr);
return new Blob([ret]);
const getThreadInfo = async (board: string, op: number) => {
2 years ago
const res = await ((await fetch(`${board}/${op}`)).json() as Promise<{
id: number;
cnt: number;
data: {
pee: string[]
} | {
third: any;
return Object.fromEntries( => [, e]));
export const threadDataCache = writable<undefined | {
[k in number]: {
id: number;
cnt: number;
mdist?: number;
data: {
pee: string[];
} | {
third: any;
let cthreadDataCache: Parameters<typeof threadDataCache['set']>[0];
threadDataCache.subscribe(newval => {
cthreadDataCache = newval;
export const refreshThreadDataCache = async (board: string, op: number) => {
threadDataCache.set(await getThreadInfo(board, op));
export const getThreadDataCache = async (board: string, op: number) => {
if (!cthreadDataCache)
await refreshThreadDataCache(board, op);
return threadDataCache;
export const getEmbedsFromCache = async (board: string, op: number, pid: string): Promise<[EmbeddedFile[], boolean][]> => {
await getThreadDataCache(board, op);
const target = +pid.slice(pid.match(/\d/)!.index);
const cachedData = cthreadDataCache![target];
if (!cachedData)
return [];
const ret: [EmbeddedFile[], boolean][] = [];
if ('pee' in {
const files = await decodeCoom3Payload(Buffer.from(' ')));
ret.push([files, false]);
if ('third' in {
if (csettings.phash) {
// if mdist is unknown (happens when no thumbnail was found, assume they are different)
if ((cachedData.mdist || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) < (csettings.mdist || 5))
return ret;
let cachedFile: ArrayBuffer;
const data =;
const prev = data.preview_url;
const full = data.full_url;
const fn = new URL(full).pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0];
const end = [{
source: data.source,
page: {
title: 'PEE Cache',
filename: fn,
thumbnail: csettings.hotlink ? (prev || full) : Buffer.from(await (await ifetch(prev || full)).arrayBuffer()),
data: csettings.hotlink ? (full || prev) : (async (lsn) => {
if (!cachedFile)
cachedFile = (await (await ifetch(full || prev, undefined, lsn)).arrayBuffer());
return Buffer.from(cachedFile);
} as EmbeddedFile];
ret.push([end, true]);
return ret;
header (must be < 2k): [1 byte bitfield](if hasfilename: null terminated string)(if has tags: [X null terminated string, tags are whitespace-separated])
(if has thumbnail: [thumbnail size X]
rest: [X bytes of thumbnail data])[file bytes]
&1 => has filename
&2 => has tags
&4 => has thumbnail
export const decodeCoom3Payload = async (buff: Buffer) => {
const allowed_domains = => e.serving.replaceAll('.', '\\.'));
const pees = buff
.split(' ')
.slice(0, csettings.maxe)
.filter(e => allowed_domains
.some(v => e.match(`https://(.*\\.)?${v}/`)));
return (await Promise.all( pee => {
try {
const m = pee.match(/(?<protocol>https?):\/\/(?<domain>.*?)(?<file>\/.*)/);
if (!m)
const { domain, file } = m.groups!;
const headers = await getHeaders(pee);
const res = await ifetch(pee, {
headers: { range: 'bytes=0-16383', 'user-agent': '' },
mode: 'cors',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
const size = +headers['content-length'] || 0;
const header = Buffer.from(await res.arrayBuffer());
let hptr = 0;
if (header.slice(0, 4).toString() == "PEE\0")
hptr += 4;
const flags = header[hptr];
const hasFn = !!(flags & 1);
const hasTags = !!(flags & 2);
const hasThumbnail = !!(flags & 4);
let [ptr, ptr2] = [hptr + 1, hptr + 1];
let fn = 'embedded';
let tags = [];
let thumb: EmbeddedFile['thumbnail'] = Buffer.from(thumbnail);
if (hasFn) {
while (header[ptr2] != 0)
fn = header.slice(ptr, ptr2).toString();
ptr = ++ptr2;
if (hasTags) {
while (header[ptr2] != 0)
tags = header.slice(ptr, ptr2).toString().split(/\s+/);
let thumbsize = 0;
if (hasThumbnail) {
thumbsize = header.readInt32LE(ptr);
ptr += 4;
if (header.byteLength < ptr + thumbsize)
thumb = header.slice(ptr, ptr + thumbsize);
thumb = Buffer.from(await (await ifetch(pee, { headers: { 'user-agent': '', range: `bytes=${ptr}-${ptr + thumbsize}` } })).arrayBuffer());
ptr += thumbsize;
const unzip = async (lsn?: EventTarget) =>
Buffer.from(await (await ifetch(pee, { headers: { 'user-agent': '', range: `bytes=${ptr}-${size - 1}` } }, lsn)).arrayBuffer());
let data;
data = unzip;
if (size < 3072) {
thumb = data = await unzip();
return {
filename: fn,
// if file is small, then just get it fully
thumbnail: thumb,
} as EmbeddedFile;
} catch (e) {
// meanies trying to heck with bad links
}))).filter(e => e).map(e => e!);
export const fireNotification = (type: 'success' | 'error' | 'info' | 'warning', content: string, lifetime = 3) => {
externalDispatch("CreateNotification", {
type, content, lifetime
function parseForm(data: object) {
const form = new FormData();
.filter(([key, value]) => value !== null)
.map(([key, value]) => form.append(key, value));
return form;
export const uploadFiles = async (injs: File[]) => {
let total = 0;
fireNotification('info', `Uploading ${injs.length} files...`);
return await Promise.all( inj => {
const peefile = await buildPeeFile(inj);
const ret = await filehosts[csettings.fhost || 0].uploadFile(peefile);
fireNotification('info', `Uploaded files [${++total}/${injs.length}] ${ret}`);
return ret;
export const getSelectedFile = () => {
return new Promise<File>(res => {
document.addEventListener('QRFile', e => res((e as any).detail), { once: true });
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('QRGetFile'));
export async function embeddedToBlob(...efs: EmbeddedFile[]) {
return (await Promise.all( ef => {
let buff: Buffer;
if (typeof == "string") {
const req = await ifetch(;
buff = Buffer.from(await req.arrayBuffer());
} else if (!Buffer.isBuffer(
buff = await;
buff =;
const mim = await fileTypeFromBuffer(buff);
const file = new File([buff], ef.filename, { type: mim?.mime });
return file;
}))).filter(e => e);
export async function addToEmbeds(...efs: EmbeddedFile[]) {
const files = await embeddedToBlob(...efs);
const links = await uploadFiles(files);
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("AddPEE", { detail: links }));
export async function getFileFromHydrus(client: HydrusClient,
tags: string[], args?: any) {
const results = (
await client.idsByTags(tags, args)
const metas = await client.getMetaDataByIds(results);
return await Promise.all( (id, idx) => {
return [
thumbnail: Buffer.from(
await client.getThumbnail(id)!
data: async () =>
await client.getFile(id)!
filename: metas.metadata[idx].hash + metas.metadata[idx].ext,
] as [number, EmbeddedFile];
export function externalDispatch(name: string, data: any) {
let event: Event;
if (execution_mode == "ff_api") {
const clonedDetail = cloneInto(data, document.defaultView);
event = new CustomEvent(name, { detail: clonedDetail });
} else {
event = new CustomEvent(name, { detail: data });
export class peeTarget {
targets = {} as { [k in string]: Array<(e: any) => any> };
addEventListener(ev: string, cb: (e: any) => any) {
this.targets[ev] = this.targets[ev] || [];
dispatchEvent(ev: CustomEvent) {
const evs = this.targets[ev.type];
if (evs)
for (const cb of evs)
return true;
removeEventListener(ev: string, cb: any) {
const evs = this.targets[ev];
if (!evs) return;
for (let i = 0; i < evs.length; ++i) {
if (evs[i] == cb) {
evs.splice(i, 1);