Can embed any file in a PNG/WebM/GIF/JPEG and upload it to a third-party host through 4chan
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
6.7 KiB

import { Platform } from "./platform";
const obj = execution_mode == "chrome_api" ? chrome : browser;
type Methods<T> = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
[k in Exclude<keyof T, 'prototype'>]: T[k] extends Function ? T[k] : never;
const types = [
] as browser.webRequest.ResourceType[];
const filts = {
urls: ["*",
types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "csp_report", "object", "other", "ping"] as browser.webRequest.ResourceType[]
if (manifest == 2)
obj.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(details => {
if (details.url.startsWith('') && details.type == "main_frame") {
const e = details.responseHeaders!.findIndex(e => == "content-security-policy");
if (e >= 0)
details.responseHeaders![e].value = "";
return {
responseHeaders: [
{ name: 'access-control-allow-origin', value: '*' }
} as browser.webRequest.BlockingResponse;
}, filts, ['blocking', 'responseHeaders', ...(execution_mode == "chrome_api" ? ['extraHeaders' as 'blocking'] : [])]);
async function deserialize(src: any): Promise<any> {
if (typeof src != "object")
return src;
switch (src.cls) {
case 'FormData': {
const ret = new FormData();
for (const [key, items] of src.value) {
for (const item of items) {
ret.append(key, await deserialize(item));
return ret;
case 'File': {
return new File([await (await fetch(src.value)).blob()],, {
lastModified: src.lastModified,
type: src.type
case 'Blob': {
return new Blob([await (await fetch(src.value)).blob()], {
type: src.type
case 'Object': {
const ret = {} as any;
for (const prop in src.value) {
ret[prop] = await deserialize(src.value[prop]);
return ret;
const pendingFetches = new Map<MessagePort, { [id in number]: { fetchFully: boolean } }>();
const bgCorsFetch = async (c: MessagePort, id: number, input: string, init?: RequestInit) => {
if (input.startsWith('//')) // firefox??
input = 'https:' + input;
if (init?.body && execution_mode == "chrome_api")
init.body = await deserialize(init.body);
const k = await fetch(input, init);
let headersStr = '';
const headerObj = {} as any;
k.headers.forEach((v, k) => {
headerObj[k] = v;
headersStr += `${k}: ${v}\n`;
id, setRes: true,
ok: k.ok,
headers: headerObj,
responseHeaders: headersStr,
redirected: k.redirected,
type: k.type,
url: k.url,
status: k.status,
bodyUsed: k.bodyUsed,
statusText: k.statusText,
pendingFetches.set(c, {
[id]: {
fetchFully: false
...(pendingFetches.get(c) || {})
let buff: Buffer[] = [];
const ctotal = +headerObj['content-length'] || 0; // content total
let ltotal = 0; // loaded total
// sequence number, required to reorder messages client-side
// if they get processed out of order
let s = 0;
const e = {
write(chunk: Uint8Array) {
ltotal += chunk.byteLength;
c.postMessage({ id, progress: [ltotal, ctotal] });
if (!pendingFetches.get(c)![id].fetchFully) {
//const url = new Blob([chunk]);
c.postMessage({ id, s: s++, pushData: { data: chunk } }, [chunk.buffer]);
} else {
close() {
if (buff.length > 0) {
const chunk = Buffer.concat(buff);
c.postMessage({ id, s: s++, pushData: { data: chunk } }, [chunk.buffer]);
buff = [];
const obj = pendingFetches.get(c)!;
delete obj[id];
if (Object.keys(obj).length == 0)
c.postMessage({ id, s: s++, pushData: {} });
const reader = k.body?.getReader();
let res: ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult<Uint8Array>;
for (; ;) {
res = await reader!.read();
if (res.done) break;
const meself = new URL(obj.runtime.getURL('')).origin;
const waitConnect = (cb: any) => {
window.addEventListener("message", (msg) => {
//if (msg.origin === meself) {
const onMessage = (c: MessagePort, cb: any) =>
c.onmessage = (e) => {
waitConnect((c: any) => {
onMessage(c, async (obj: any) => {
const { id, name, args, sid, fid, url } = obj as { url?: string, fid?: number, sid?: number, id: number, name: string, args: Parameters<typeof Platform[keyof Methods<typeof Platform>]> };
if (name == "keepAlive") {
console.log('im alive, tho?');
if (name == "abortCorsFetch") {
//chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ name, sid });
if (name == "corsFetch") {
// this handles the reply
(bgCorsFetch as any)(c, id, ...args);
if (name == "revoke") {
id, ok: 1
if (name == "fullyRead") {
const obj = pendingFetches.get(c)!;
if (obj && fid! in obj)
obj[fid!].fetchFully = true;
id, ok: 1
const res = await (Platform as any)[name](...args);
id, res