Can embed any file in a PNG/WebM/GIF/JPEG and upload it to a third-party host through 4chan
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
3.7 KiB

export type QueryProcessor = {
getPost: (post: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
getFileThumbnail: (post: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
postsWithFiles: (host?: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement[];
settingsHost: () => HTMLSpanElement;
catalogControlHost: () => HTMLDivElement;
getImageLink: (post: HTMLElement) => string;
getFilename: (post: HTMLElement) => string;
getMD5: (post: HTMLElement) => string;
getInfoBox: (post: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
export const V4chan: QueryProcessor = {
getFileThumbnail: post => post.querySelector('div.file')!,
getPost: (post) => post.querySelector('.post')!,
postsWithFiles: (h) => [...(h || document).querySelectorAll('.file')].map(e => e.closest('.postContainer')) as any,
settingsHost: () => document.getElementById("navtopright") as any,
catalogControlHost: () => document.getElementById("settings") as HTMLDivElement,
getImageLink: (post: HTMLElement) => post.querySelector('a[target="_blank"]')?.getAttribute('href') || '',
getFilename: (post: HTMLElement) => {
const a = post.querySelector('a[target="_blank"]') as (HTMLAnchorElement | null);
if (a && a.title)
return a.title;
return a?.textContent || '';
getMD5: (post: HTMLElement) => post.querySelector("img[data-md5]")?.getAttribute("data-md5") || '',
getInfoBox: post => post.querySelector("div.fileText")!
export const X4chan: QueryProcessor = {
getFileThumbnail: post => post.querySelector('div.file')!,
getPost: (post) => post.querySelector('.post')!,
postsWithFiles: (h) => [...(h || document).querySelectorAll('.postContainer:not([class*="noFile"])')] as HTMLElement[],
settingsHost: () => document.getElementById("shortcuts") as any,
catalogControlHost: () => document.getElementById("index-options") as HTMLDivElement,
getImageLink: (post: HTMLElement) => post.querySelector('a[target="_blank"]')?.getAttribute('href') || '',
getFilename: (post: HTMLElement) => {
const a = post.querySelector('a[target="_blank"]') as (HTMLAnchorElement | null);
const origlink = post.querySelector('.file-info > a[target*="_blank"]') as HTMLAnchorElement;
return (origlink.querySelector('.fnfull') || origlink)?.textContent || '';
getMD5: (post: HTMLElement) => post.querySelector("img[data-md5]")?.getAttribute("data-md5") || '',
getInfoBox: post => post.querySelector("span.file-info")!
export const DesuArchive: QueryProcessor = {
getFileThumbnail: post => post.classList.contains('post_is_op') ? post.querySelector('.thread_image_link')! : post.querySelector('.thread_image_box')!,
getPost: (post) => post.querySelector('.post_wrapper')!,
postsWithFiles: (h) => [...(h || document).querySelectorAll('article[class*="has_image"]')] as HTMLElement[],
settingsHost: () => document.querySelector(".letters") as any,
catalogControlHost: () => document.getElementById("index-options") as HTMLDivElement,
getImageLink: (post: HTMLElement) => post.querySelector('a[rel]')?.getAttribute('href') || '',
getFilename: (post: HTMLElement) => {
const opfn = post.querySelector('a.post_file_filename')?.textContent;
if (opfn)
return opfn;
const a = post.querySelector('a[rel]') as (HTMLAnchorElement | null);
return a?.title || '';
getMD5: (post: HTMLElement) => post.querySelector("img[data-md5]")?.getAttribute("data-md5") || '',
getInfoBox: post => post.querySelector("span.post_controls")!
export const getQueryProcessor = (is4chanX: boolean) => {
if (['', ''].includes(
return is4chanX ? X4chan : V4chan;
if ( == "")
return DesuArchive;