Joshi Koukousei Captcha Service - The captcha solver made by and for japanese high school girls! ======================== Tired of solving captchas all day? Don't want carpal tunnel syndrome young? Have dyslexia? Then Joshi Koukousei's Captcha Service is here for you! This is a fork of that focuses on optimized performance. During testing JKCS has proven to be objectively faster than AUTOMATIC1111's userscript version, achieving instantanous captcha solving on both Chromium and Firefox. This project uses [PNPM]( for package management. How to Build ============== Install [NodeJS]( if you haven't already, I personally use the latest version of Node (v18 at the time of writing) on Linux x64. Install [PNPM]( Run ``pnpm install`` in this directory, then run ``pnpm run build_ff`` or ``pnpm run build_chrome`` depending on your browser of choice. build_ff will create an unsigned Firefox .xpi addon, while build_chrome will create an extension directory that can be side-loaded in Developer mode. How to Install ============== ## Chromium - [Download]( this repo and extract it somewhere - Type `chrome://extensions` in your address bar - Enable **Developer Mode** - Click on **Load Unpacked** - Select the `chrome` folder from the zip you extracted earlier. ## Firefox As of ``jkcs-0.30.xpi``, the extension is finally signed! Which means you can just drag it into your addons page and install it as you normally would. **Coming to the Firefox Add-on store soon for easy installation!**