# Joshi Koukousei Captcha Service - The captcha solver made by and for japanese high school girls! [![Mozilla Add-on](https://img.shields.io/amo/v/jkcs?label=Firefox%20Add-on)](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/jkcs/) Tired of solving captchas all day? Don't want carpal tunnel syndrome young? Have dyslexia? Then Joshi Koukousei's Captcha Service is here for you! ## Screenshots | ![auto-solving](showcase2.gif) | |:--:| |**JKCS in action**| | ![manual-solving](showcase1.gif) | |:--:| |**JKCS in action — Solve button showcase**| How to Build ============== Install [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/) if you haven't already, I personally use the latest version of Node (v18 at the time of writing) on Linux x64. Install [PNPM](https://pnpm.io/) Run ``pnpm install`` in this directory, then run ``pnpm run build_ff`` or ``pnpm run build_chrome`` depending on your browser of choice. build_ff will create an unsigned Firefox .xpi addon, while build_chrome will create an extension directory that can be side-loaded in Developer mode. How to Install ============== ## Chromium - [Download](https://git.coom.tech/attachments/a0f1e7f8-980d-40be-afa1-15481fb0c731) the extension zip and extract it somewhere - Type `chrome://extensions` in your address bar - Enable **Developer Mode** - Click on **Load Unpacked** - Select the `chrome` folder from the zip you extracted earlier. ## Firefox Joshi Koukousei Captcha Service is available on the [Firefox AWO!](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/jkcs/) Acknowledgements ============== This is a fork of https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/4chan-captcha-solver that focuses on optimized performance. During testing JKCS has proven to be objectively faster than AUTOMATIC1111's userscript version, achieving instantanous captcha solving on both Chromium and Firefox.