Janny (S)killers Captcha Solver (JKCS) ======================== Tired of solving captchas all day? Don't want carpal tunnel syndrome young? Have dyslexia? Then skill jannies by auto-solving captchas! This is a fork of https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/4chan-captcha-solver that focuses on optimized performance. During testing JKCS has proven to be objectively faster than AUTOMATIC1111's userscript version, achieving almost instantanous captcha solving on both Chromium and Firefox. This project uses [PNPM](https://pnpm.io/) for package management. How to Install ============== ## Chromium - [Download](https://git.coom.tech/araragi/JKCS/archive/master.zip) this repo and extract it somewhere - Type `chrome://extensions` in your address bar - Enable **Developer Mode** - Click on **Load Unpacked** - Select the `chrome` folder from the zip you extracted earlier. ## Firefox The Firefox extension is currently unsigned, which means you'll have to go into `about:config` and set `xpinstall.signatures.required` to false, then you can install the extension from the .xpi file in this repo like you normally would.